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Some of you might recall when I was frustratingly vague about a decision to take on *even more work* at a time I had largely promised to not take on more work.

That project is finally out! I provided some programming help for certain specific areas and elements of DELTARUNE Chapter 2.

It was a massive honor to be able to work on this game and if any of you play it I hope you enjoy it!

A more sensible me might have turned down the offer but in spite of all the added stress I'm still glad I chose to work on the game and I hope you can forgive the impact this had on my work for you guys. I learned a lot working on this title that has already improved my tutorial work since in a number of ways and I just couldn't find it in me to say no to working on a project I had so much personal love for.

Also this week, I made a video for Ludum Dare!


YoYo Games are sponsoring Ludum Dare 49 and I was asked to make a video giving some tips and tricks for GM users taking part in the jam. So I did just that! Not all of it is GameMaker specific but I hope it is helpful for some of you.

More updates from me coming very soon. As always I've got a lot going on and a lot of plans and I'll do my best to keep you all up to speed.




Awesome indeed ! How is it to work with Toby Fox ? #achievementunlocked


Working with the legend himself: Shaun Spalding.


Not particularly different to anyone else, but he's a cool guy!