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A happy new year to everyone. Here's hoping for a better year in pretty much every conceivable, measurable way.

You may have noticed I've kept going with the ARPG series in spite of what I'd said regarding v2.3, etc. There's high demand for the series to get finished (despite the typically low views this deep in) and with how little is left to go I've decided to just try and get it done and out the way so we can move on without it lingering over me as yet another "thing still unfinished".

I still think for a lot of reasons my time could be better spent elsewhere, but it is I think easier for everyone involved if we just commit to finishing what we set out to do, efficiently, and then we can safely move on.

I recently published episode 31 which completes the "combat" section of the series. The only real change coming to this is some items that might interact with the enemies and a second variety of enemy (The bat). But these things almost wholly leverage our existing code, so this is what I mean when I say the combat section is finished.

The following, cut directly from my notes, is a rough list of "things" still to be covered:

  • BOW (and arrows)
  • SHOP

It's not certain that each of these things will be a full episode (and some might require a couple) but it's reasonable to assume we have roughly ten videos left to go.  It is possible I might still have a couple of weeks left on The Secret Project but that should be wrapping up soon. But my video work days will be spent getting the ARPG done.

I have a bit of existential panic that I need to refresh my beginner content in the wake of 2.3.1, but it's important for me to remember that at a beginner level, not much has really changed beyond scripts/functions which I have covered. I still want to replace so much of my beginner content but I've come around to the belief that it can still wait while we finish what we have started.

While livestreaming each Friday is taking another day out of my already limited time I'm going to keep doing it as 1. I want to remain consistent with streaming and build my twitch audience further. 2. It helps ensure PokeyPoke doesn't come to a total standstill (it has seen some real progress since I started streaming development again!) and 3. Helps mix up content for viewers who aren't following the ARPG series.

I am probably going to trial a new style of video credits soon so keep an eye out for that too!




I am working on an ARPG game using your tutorial videos, and I am grateful that you do what you do now, if not.. i might be stuck in the same place. Thank you so much for your effort to guide me through with this.


Im very happy that the series is gonna end ! I really need a shop tutorial since mine doesn't work very well...