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Ludum Dare 45

This weekend was Ludum Dare 45! I took part, streamed it live over twitch, and built a video game! It was a simpler game than many I've made before. Less ambitious, with the scope dialled way back over my LD44 entry. I think a lot of this was an attempt to correct over how over-scoped that game was but also it was a very tricky theme. Quite refreshing to do something simple!

It's bizarre and weird and intentionally a bit frustrating. Give it a shot and tell me your scores! Half the game is working out how it works or how to play it. The source code is also there, but as I said, the game really is quite simple mechanically! Thanks for everyone who checked out the stream. Footage of it will hopefully make its way to YouTube soon, along with the Timelapse! Hoping to also livestream some other people's LD45 Games throughout the week.

Action RPG

The itch page has been updated with the latest source code, the password to view the page is "LulusAdventure". $20 supporters can then follow the link on the page to link their account and get access so you can explore the latest additions. This week I'm hoping to get the hookshot done so we can work towards closing the main game loop (Get money, buy hookshot, use it to cross gap in cave, return the hat to the NPC). I think we're still on target to have the project code all finished before the end of the year.

Other videos

This week I'm also working on a new "Basic Overview" video for GameMaker Studio 2. Introductory videos for the software are weirdly absent from my channel since GMS2 came out. I think because I made several for YoYoGames' channel when I was working there, and not for my own channel. I think it's time to fix that!


Has not seen any work at all. There just hasn't been time! :( I'm hoping that when the ARPG wraps up, some of that time can go back into PokeyPoke and livestreams + devlogs of it. We'll see!




Thank you so much! I was really waiting for ARPG update :)


Hello Shaun, I saw you on twitch, good game Thank you for these returns