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It's that time again. First time from the new home! I'll be taking part in Ludum Dare 45. For those who don't know: Ludum Dare is a 48 hour game jam that has become something of a tradition for me to enter, livestream and produce a time-lapse for. I have to build a game from scratch in just 48 hours. 

Here are some of the games I've made in the past:



And a timelapse from an early one:


I'll be streaming at twitch.tv/shaunjs and NOT over YouTube, though I will try and get the footage up to YouTube after the fact. 

See you all there!


The ARPG has had a lot of progress this week, I've cleaned through the most difficult art pieces I'd been putting off. We have some new bat enemies, rolling and attacking finally have up & down animations and I've done the art for one of two NPCs. $20 supporters can expect to get their hands on what is almost the finished game code very soon.

Work is really picking up now. I'm booking about a day each week to work solely on House Stuff (the green screen wall is done and has a second coat! And looks ace!) and poor PokeyPoke hasn't seen a peep but I'm glad to be getting back at stuff.

Next week I'm hoping to put a tutorial of some kind out, but we'll see how everything goes.




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