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That title is a niche reference but what I'm trying to say is it's very hot here.

This comes a day later than my usual weekly updates because Monday is a bank holiday in the UK so I spent most of it having a BBQ with my girlfriend's family and enjoying the sudden burst of good weather in the country. 


I did not get accepted for Stugan this year! This is obviously a bit disappointing for me but I can imagine the competition was super tough. I wasn't wholly confident that PokeyPoke would be the type of thing they were looking for but I think I made the best application I could. Maybe next year! =) What this means for you guys is I won't be disappearing for two months come august time, so yknow, swings and roundabouts!

Last week

...saw the release of platformer part 19! Wherein I realize there's probably still a few episodes more to go to wrap this thing up. My estimate is somewhere between 22-25 will be the finish line but we'll see how it goes. I want to provide an ending screen, change up the level design, give the enemies a means by which to fight back against our horrible protagonist, etc.

So what's next?

So my calendar is looking pretty stuffed this month. I've got a couple of big things coming up:

I'm heading to the Animex festival next week, where I was going to be delivering a GameMaker workshop but that ended up getting cancelled. I got free tickets though so I'd be remiss not to go and check it out.

The week after the week after that is the biggy though, I'm going to the main festival week of Norwich Gaming Festival. Not only to deliver another few GameMaker "Making a game in an hour" workshops but also to show off PokeyPoke at the main festival! The problem is that PokeyPoke still needs a lot of work to be ready for that!

...you still haven't said what's next.

I'm going to be taking a little break from putting out video-after-video to do some development on PokeyPoke for these next 3 weeks. I'll be livestreaming a lot of this both on YouTube and over Twitch (simultaneously) and as soon as I can, I'll be granting some behind-the-scenes access to supporters here too. I've talked before about wanting to do some more work on actual games, and a deadline here has shown up and forced the issue. It's worth noting also that generally whenever I do work like this, I run into more things I can create videos for later!

It's all a bit experimental, so it might take me some time to find my feet with content & livestreams regarding my ongoing projects. I won't be streaming daily (at least not to begin with) but I'm targeting every other day for some fun long dev streams. 


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