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Hello everybody! I'm working on this week's music tutorial, but I've been thinking about a new type of thing I'd like to try. 

I'm going to be totally honest, as much as I love creating tutorials, at heart I'm a game developer more than anything and I'm trying to find ways to make more space for me to do more of that. I've learned so much and improved my skills in so many areas while making videos and tutorials and it sometimes gnaws at me that other than my work on Tribal Tension I've not really been able to really put them to work!

What I'd like to try is maybe taking a week, or two weeks where during every day I stream developing a video game from scratch, similar to a game jam but over a slightly longer period. I'd maybe stream 75% of the work, but I'd record all of it.

At the end I'd condense it down into some highlights, devlogs, breakdowns, useful things I learned along the way, but also present all the raw footage of the week for those who'd be into that as well. At the end of the two weeks I'd release the game for a minimum price, free for $5+ supporters and free source code for $20+ supporters (or something like that, I haven't worked out the specifics!).

This might mean a couple of weeks where you don't get a new tutorial video, but I also think my current pace of videos (one per week) is exceptionally high for complex educational content. 

The long and short of this is, I want to make more games. Which long term makes me a better developer and better qualified to bring tutorials to you. But I'd also understand if most of you didn't come here for that kind of work, it's your money that keeps me going, so I really want your feedback on this and what you'd like to see from me if I went down this route.



This would be great! I love the tutorial series, but sometimes I just feel like I'm painting by numbers, it'd be great to just see you working on something naturally and encountering things


Great idea, a lot of game development isn't just the "pieces" but also how they fit together (and realizing you're not as clever as you initially thought!).