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Results for the poll were... not what I expected!

I think there's definitely a mix of people here supporting my work that combine beginner developers trying to get their first things finished and also more intermediate/advanced developers who'd like to see more complex stuff. This was a close poll so I'm going to cover maybe two or three of these (Interspersed with Platformer episodes). 

I'll be going in order of popularity so will start off by putting together something on background music! Following that, MySQL and highscores (I reckon that'll be a good one!) and then depending how I feel I might run another poll or continue to work through these. 

Any ideas, comments, suggestions, criticism, etc, leave it below! This is all me trying to deliver a combination of what you guys want to see and what I can do best.




Hi Shaun, I'm having a problem that I have literally spent hours trying to figure out. I'm working from your Platform tut and something happened in the transition from the square player sprite to the drawn player sprite. The player collision with the walls happens half way thru the wall horizontally and vertically. I have gone thru the tutorial 5 times and checked my code against it and I have seen no difference. Obviously I've made a mistake but I can't find it. Do you have any suggestions?


Suggests you just need to take a look at your collision mask. See what sprite you have set as your collision mask and check the collision settings for that sprite and make sure they line up with where you expect to see a collision.


Did that and still not working. I'll just start from part 1 and follow along again. I'll get it. Thanks for your reply.