Slopes Tutorial out tomorrow! (Patreon)
Don't be too intimidated by its length, the system is actually relatively straightforward it just has a few gotchas and moving parts that have to be explained so that it is used correctly as it's very easy to mess up on this one! For advanced programmers I'd like to put together a gif or short <1 minute video that just explains the _concept_ so that people don't have to sit through the longer explanations.
It'd be a shame to keep the source code locked up for this one so I want to share it outside of just here. But I also put a ton of time and energy into this project, so while all my $5+ supporters will get hold of the source files for free as usual I'm going to put the final source files behind a $1 minimum PWYW on The base project will be available to everyone so that you can follow this video without necessarily having done the tile collision video and turned it into a full platformer.
To stop any sneaky fake-patrons I'll be handing out access via a bulk message so expect that tomorrow.
I'd release all this tonight but I've already sort of overworked today and there's a lot of set up to do. It's 8pm my time and I'm still turning cogs which aint healthy =( But I'll get it out as soon as I can tomorrow! After it's all released I'll likely stream some Tribal Tension dev work so feel free to join me at!
Then on Monday we can launch the next Topic Poll and see where we go from here! Sorry this one has taken so long but I'm pretty happy with the resulting system. Only sad I couldn't get the video length down any further, but I like to err on the side of thoroughness and quality. I want to produce for YOU guys rather than produce for "What works on YouTube" which is short, snappy and attention grabbing. But if you think I'm leaving in too much fat and you'd prefer to see me trim this stuff down more, let me know!
Thanks again so much for all of your support. =)