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So I think I finally got something I'm happy to put in a video. Will need to go over everything but the plan is to start scripting tomorrow unless a big issue crops up. Chopping back to basics so I'm cutting the stuff that handles bigger collision masks and ultra high move speeds etc as they're not necessary or super relevant. I want this video clean and focused.

There's situations this won't handle but they can all be dealt with through either writing extra code to deal with them or more practically through level design. For example, you don't want to end slopes half way or allow the player to approach them from below. It also only handles slopes you can walk ON, not sloped ceilings, etc.

Ultimately the more cases you want, the more work you'll have to do and it isn't practical or helpful for me to do a 20 hour course on covering all situations. (Nor would that be good for my mental health :p)

Stay tuned!




Awesome! I came up with a rough solution that can handle partial tiles but it's very rigid and relies on hardcoded ds_grid maps instead of a per-pixel approach. Can't wait to see your take on it!


Looks cooler than I imagined!, I'm glad you decided to put that much more effort on the tile tutorial. Looks like is taking a lot of work but this looks great!