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Hello you wonderful wonderful people! While I try to update you guys on all the important things going on with me I've decided this could use more regularity so that you can come to _expect_ updates as opposed to merely recieving them on my whims. As such I've decided that every week (going with Wednesdays for now, will alert you if this changes) I'll be doing a short update post here to keep you guys informed of everything that's going on with my work, the work that you're supporting. Some of you may have noticed a minor slowdown in video content, with no new content last week and only one video the week before. Recently I was approached by an old lecturer of mine to help teach a game development module at my old university as a part time teacher/lecturer until Christmas. They were in pretty big need of someone with GM expertise and I was happy to help out. You'll be happy to know this doesn't eat _all_ of my time and I will still have time to be making content for you guys. This was one of my conditions for agreeing to this work.(and infact, I'm hoping to produce even more work that benefits both you guys, and the students I'm teaching.) However the travel and organization involved in my first couple of weeks there paired with a bunch of other real life events and things I've been travelling to left me with not much time to produce videos (given I often need a day or so to prepare content for a tutorial before recording it, and then a lot of time is often spent editing the video afterwards. Depending on its content, most of my videos take between 1-3 days to build. Others can be made really quickly but are often less substantial/useful/deep topics. So really a lot of the recent slowdown has just been poor planning on my part. Additionally you may have noticed my total has slipped a bit below $500. This is mostly down to the removal of some 'false' pledges but also a few of my supporters who have for whatever reasons decided they are no longer able or willing to pledge. This is absolutely fine ofcourse and I can't thank those people enough for the support they were able to give me. I want to reiterate that nobody should feel obliged to support me and I want everyone who does pledge to feel 100% confident their money is being well used. So if you have any questions at all about my work or plans for the future please do get in touch, or leave comments below! For the sake of complete transparency I will announce that I processed a total of exactly $400 of pledges for September, and after assorted fees I have recieved a total of $360.40. Thank you guys again for your support and keep making games!



Congrats! I actually prefer the more in depth videos. Quick tutorial videos can help teach someone how to do a very specific task. However when you do the more in depth videos, explaining your thought process, I find it easier to grasp how to apply the teachings in a wider context throughout GameMaker.


Yeah I prefer to do the in-depth ones too. They just take a bit more time. I'm less keen on the ones that just cover super specific stuff.