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Chicken details!

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"The cleanest of ALL feathers!"

Before we can get to the full explanation of what the villain was up to, we must first take a couple moments to address the matter of fancy chickens.

I hope everyone understands.




I do love me some fancy chicken... especially when it's fried!


The funny thing is, fancy chickens are totally a thing

James Pacheco

When I met my now wife, her family was caring for the chicken she had before she moved. It was a Silky. that's the fanciest chicken I've seen in person.

Stephen Gilberg

I picture a golden sheen and several accessories.


Beautiful plumage!



Some Ed

Is that a deathlayer silky hybrid? I did a search for the other two contenders, and it looks like your entrant has the fanciness of each of them, making it the obvious winner if it's just competing with those and the thousands of ordinary chickens I've seen. That said, I'd expect a chicken brought up in luxury would not only be fancy in being, like your entrant, but also adorned. So you have a solid contender, but I feel we need to wait for the full show to run its course to see if anyone can top it before awarding your entrant the prize.

Diego Rossi

Can I suggest the Padovana chicken? https://www.ilverdemondo.it/it/blog/gallina-padovana-perla-tra-le-razze-ornamentali-16 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gallinepadovane.it%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F10%2Fgallina_padovana_fonte_collieuganei_it.jpg&tbnid=Imaql22hPmHaMM&vet=12ahUKEwiskb62qPL-AhU6pCcCHUtUDF8QMygJegUIARC7AQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gallinepadovane.it%2F2018%2F11%2F02%2Fstoria-della-gallina-padovana%2F&docid=hPyKqtA-K0_0JM&w=1280&h=856&q=immagini%20gallina%20padovana&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwiskb62qPL-AhU6pCcCHUtUDF8QMygJegUIARC7AQ


Maybe it's wearing fancy accessories. Like a jeweled collar and a funny hat.

Daryl Sawyer

lol, a clever thing for a DM to do would be to roll a d20 and then (without showing the result) announce that sorry, she failed her Knowledge: Chickens check, so they're just going to have to take her word for it that it is, indeed, fancy.


My oldest niece was in 4H and raised several breeds of chicken. She had a Plymouth Barred Rock rooster which was semi-housebroken. Yes, there are fancy breeds of chicken, as with pigeons.

Wild Card

Time to hyper-focus on a bit of fluff text instead of the adventure details. Typical players.


I like to imagine it's a Silkie chicken, since those are chickens are adorable balls of fluffy feathers and they're also sometimes kept as pets


Yesss! My family raised a couple of silkies for a time. Very floofy chickens, and surprisingly personable

Jared Fattmann

Rereading this strip reminded me of a bit from an old Dragon magazine article on the Reincarnate spell (thanks to the interwebs I can quote it directly, despite not having seen it in 25 years), which could easily lead to animal PCs at the time (nowadays the 5e reincarnation table is all regular playable races): the Charisma of an animal PC is largely a measure of how “well-kept” it looks, with the DM deciding how a particular NPC should react to a mangy-looking wolverine or a sleek, well-fed wolverine.