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I imagine this new edition of the game is more "new to Ellen" than "very new in general", so George would've listened to this more faithful adaptation of the tutorial adventure a while ago.

I'm not sure how often this sort of issue comes up, but there are pre-made adventures for RPGs that people can use, so the possibility does exist that someone at the table already knows the intended twists of the adventure.




Those are certainly interesting questions. But ultimately, the answer is usually, "I'm the DM, that's why." Doesn't mean that there aren't answers, but players usually aren't going to find out.


Because Ellen is not fond of the Damsel in Distress bit, doesn’t like the ‘all “race” are evil’ bit, and because you guys ran with it. I’m that order.


It comes up all the time. Plenty of people have played Curse of Strahd more than once, for example. The solution is usually just to let the DM know, play along, and try not to metagame too much. It's very rare for two instances of the "same adventure" to actually end up being the same anyway, because the players' actions can drive things off the rails real fast, which is the best thing about the hobby. =)


Happens constantly with premade adventures. Some of the good ones have options they suggest changing if you think a player has played this before.

Crissa Kentavr

And most modules have lots of empty space they expect the DM to fill, sometimes even plot points are glossed over.


Happens sometimes. Had a friend trying to finish running Tomb of Annihilation, had too many people drop out and needed some new folks to join so the remaining players had an actual part. Except... all 3 of us that joined are also DMs... ...and all 3 of us were running entirely different ToA campaigns. Avoiding metagaming was THE primary challenge.