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Nanase will enjoy punching you as per a pre-agreed sparring arrangement in which punches are pulled, and over-the-top dramatics are declared.

She won't enjoy punching you if it's because you're a jerk who's being a jerk, as she's all too aware of real life seriousness that is serious.

She might get some satisfaction out of it for various reasons, such as the satisfaction of protecting someone, or stopping something that needs to be stopped, but it's not fun times for her.

So if you remove the seriousness that is serious, yes, Nanase is quite interested. She might need more than basic dice combat, however...



Stephen Gilberg

Before the Avengers met the Guardians of the Galaxy on screen, someone envisioned the former playing a TTRPG of the latter. I suspect they'd find it lackluster.


Hey, it just came to me ... Elliot is trying to learn how to fight while flying. Nanase is an expert on that. In her first appearance, she fought *Elliot* while flying, in fact. Why didn't he think of asking her for tips?

Some Ed

Possibly because she was fighting Elliot, a slower ground based opponent. Elliot is looking at the possibility of having to fight opponents skilled at aerial combat in the air, which is quite different. Her fight with not Tengu was probably more relevant. I'm not sure how much Elliot is aware of that one, but if he is, he's probably thinking there were aspects of that fight which made it unlikely to be relevant for him. But I suspect that those aspects are probably more generally relevant than he's aware. I mean, sure, most of the time, they won't be key. But they'll still be elements to consider.


I’m currently playing a rogue in a campaign where my turn is basically, make single attack with longbow, roll dice, hide as bonus action. Then wait 20 mins while my party members make multiple complex attacks with lots of extra abilities which increase damage.


Funny thing is this isn't Nanase's first RPG session as she played online in a chat game with Justin on what sounded like a a fairly regular basis. Of course it was a Star Trek/Star Was Mashup game, so I suppose a beginning level D&D session might be kind of a let-down. ;)

Michael Chui

The fight with Tengu was "fly away really fast". I think Elliot wants to fight back.


Ah, the 5e Martial Problem.

Some Ed

Fly away really fast was their first thought, but that's not what they actually did. They flew around really fast in a small area and used up the ambient magic, causing their human opponent to run out of the power source he was using. That tactic probably won't work on faeries^immortals, and I doubt it would do better on gryphons unless their flight depends on ambient magic. But it is likely to work on nearly anything that comes to Moperville because of wanting to take advantage of the magic clog for their own power. Of course, it also won't work on anything that comes to Moperville because of wanting to take advantage of all the prey lured to the magic clog. So it's a sometimes tactic. But a sometimes tactic is still worth knowing.

Some Ed

After playing MMORPGs like WoW for a decade, I tried going back to pencil and paper AD&D. I wasn't the DM, but it was quite a let down. MMORPGs do not have a lot of role play, but that DM didn't really go for role play either. That said, I think I would've enjoyed a gaming session with Ellen as the GM a lot more. Not only is she a better DM, but also more enjoyable to look at.