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Probably nothing to worry about.

- At egscomics

(This got posted late because I got the date wrong while scheduling it. Sorry about that!)


"Ah, yes. My non-lethal daggers."

Something I love about this is that it's NOT what I had in mind for Nanase getting into character.

I will reveal what my original thoughts were later, as they could still end up being a spoiler in various ways, BUT it certainly wasn't THIS.

The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized that this was very much a potential rabbit hole Nanase could go down.

Rogue Nanase wound up in a vest because I had Han Solo from Star Wars on the brain. The short hair (and reduced eyelashes) felt like something a rogue Nanase would do. Gloves because gloves are nifty (and I was thinking of fingerprints in spite of those PROBABLY being irrelevant in the game's world?), and headband because I grew up in the 80's.



Conrad Wong

Vests with lots of hidden pockets are a very scoundrel thing. ^.^


I really really want to know if Grace ever took Tensaided up on his offer to play D&D.


"Scoundrel? Scoundrel! I like the sound of that!"


By George, I think she's got it!


As far as non-lethal stealth weapons are concerned someone should introduce Nanase to the concept of the cosh or sap

A Red Mage Named Blue

I headcanon it that Rogues know enough about anatomy to stab someone in a weak point that will take them down quickly, but without any permanent damage


She has discovered her inner murder-hobo.


Make me think of astropia when she pass her anger on poor orcs ^^


(if you don't have watched this movie, I can only recommand it ^^ )


I have a "vest of many pockets" for everyday wear, not scoundrel-ish at all, more grandpa-ish really.

Daryl Sawyer

lol. Funny, but I think the point is that she doesn't want to kill anyone, and doesn't have to worry about doing it by accident, now.

Stephen Gilberg

I find her no less attractive this way.


Oh no... she has awakened her inner murder-hobo.

Some Ed

If I recall correctly, Sam's pockets weren't hidden. ... At least, the pockets that we know about weren't hidden. But as I'm thinking about it, I have had a few pair of pants that had a hidden pocket inside one of the pockets. It was the most useless thing, because the hidden pocket seemed to have taken lessons from the last pockets common on women's clothing before they disappeared all together. (I know that there are some rebel women's clothing that has real pockets even today. But I'm talking about stuff condoned by the fashion industry.) Another tactic I've seen is to hide a pocket behind a pocket. These hidden pockets tended to be more useful, but seemed to cause a bigger overall loss of structural integrity than the pocket inside a pocket. There are probably other ways that Sam could have had hidden pockets on their clothing. There were so many pockets, I didn't even think to look to see if there were more pockets that weren't so evident.


Most likely, the pocket within a pocket used to be used for your watch. Before people started wearing them on their wrists.

Some Ed

Officially, the pocket within a pocket was called a change pocket. It was not big enough for a significant amount of coinage. It was too small to hold something anywhere close to as large as what watches were before they were on people's wrists.