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I'm not sure why I wanted to draw this, but I wanted to draw this, and now it has been drawn.

And maybe it's to do with the skirt, or not being zoomed out more, but for whatever reason, her hips don't look THAT wide to me? I know for a fact they're quite wide, that was my intent, but I dunno. Maybe cartoon mom hips make have resulted in even hips this wide looking quite reasonable to me.



David Fenger

The cute little canine is just about perfect...

Matt R

She's adorable. Though, the comment about her hips makes me wonder how well Rhoda would pull off a Chel from Road to El Dorado cosplay


Hartman hips is the term.


Great, now we’ll have the Apocalypse with cats and dogs living together…


A scene mimicking Peter Pan where she puts her hands on her waist and holds them up as a rough measurement.

Stephen Gilberg

That title sounds fit for a manga.

The Sunroses

we are a fan of these hips


I think part of it is perspective. For me, enlarging the hips without context makes it feel as if we are looking upward and getting some fisheye distortion, especially since we know what her figure "is supposed to be". A before-and-after, or something to better establish camera position and angle and focal length, might make the intended reality clearer. Not that I _mind_ looking up at an attractive gal from beltline level, mind you...