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As mentioned in the previous commentary, this was originally going to immediately follow Nanase thanking Rich.

I think this works much better, however, following Nanase not just thanking Rich, but showing embarrassment, inexperience, and vulnerability.



Dan Curtis

Progress Has been Made!

Stephen Gilberg

Nanase does seem to be the only EGS character anyone ever thinks is perfect.


2subtle4me, needs more pyrotechnics and larger font


WAY better the way you did it than it would have been cutting right to here I think


Rich managed to achieve a major paradigm shift to his entire worldview in the span of a single game night. I am genuinely impressed.


Hmm. I think some people feel that way about Susan, or at least put her on some similar kind of pedestal. I don't have specific examples, though, because I'm writing this before work and thus have no time to root through twenty-one years of comics. :)

David Howe

Doesn't mean she isn't perfect though; just means there are specific skills or knowledge she hasn't got yet, and is working around the issue :D


Ashley has a bit of this for Susan, and Grace also has a bit of this for Sarah.

Wild Card

Now that is progress!

Bob Grannan

Rich is doing the empathy speedrun, any %

David Howe

No, it isn't reasonable for anyone, however perfect, to know everything. But can you imagine having to be friends with (or worse yet, date) someone who knows everything and can do everything? She is more perfect because of her limitations, not in spite of them :D