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But why though?

- At egscomics 


I'm not pretending I'm being super original by having Ellen take this position, but it's what I want to do, and it's what she wants to do, so we're doing it.

Besides, if I wanted to be super original, they wouldn't be goblins. Also, they wouldn't be playing a Table Top RPG. Also, they wouldn't be playing a game at all.

Probably shouldn't be human, either. Lots of comics about humans. And English? Lots of people speak that. They should be speaking a made up language, and... Wait.

A lot of people speak.

They should communicate via tapping the floor with their feet, and... OH GOSH DANG IT! Horses count like that, don't they?

This could take a while.




For some reason, that last panel drawing of Ellen simultaneously looks the most and the least like Eliot I think I have ever seen

Stephen Gilberg

True, when you reach for originality, you usually either fail or make something people have a good reason not to make.


Tropes are not bad in and of themselves. It's how an author uses them which determines if a story is good or not. Quality writing can elevate a trite plot into a engrossing read.

Crissa Kentavr

Hairspikey. Part whatever Ted's cat is?


The goblins are there for the players to indiscriminately slaughter and look cool while doing so; as is the fate of all disposable minions! Why else would they be there?


They’re goblins. They’re weak and used to being bossed around by the biggest baddest thing around. They’ll fight for the bad guy because he bullied them into doing it. Doesn’t need to be super complex.


And that's how we get goblin adventuring parties questing to overthrow the tyrannical status quo


Originallity is a myth. Everything is built on what came before. Everything is a remix. https://youtu.be/nJPERZDfyWc Further more, you may have heard that a million monkeys on a million typewriters would eventually make the collected works of Shakespeare. Well, given infinite monkeys and infinite typewriters, you'll get absolutely everything! This is exactly what the Library of Babel has done, not with infinite monkeys and typewriters mind you, but with very clever mathematics. Every possible human thought has already been transcribed within the Library of Babel: https://libraryofbabel.info/ Here lies everything humanity has ever written and has yet to write, including this very post and every misspelled variation of it! Most of the library is white noise and random gibberish, but every once in a great while you'll find a page where all the letters happen to be randomly arranged in what we recognize as English. The same thing can be done with the digits of pi. All you have to do is make a simple numeric cipher (1=a, 2=b, 3=c...), write a message and then search for that specific sequence of digits. Because the digits of pi are infinite, you'll inevitably find it, but keep in mind the longer the sequence is, the more likely you only ever find it once. This is why the library limits your searchs to 3200 characters, to break it up into bite sized chunks; otherwise it would be astronomically unlikely to find anything. The image archive does the same thing but with randomly arranged colored pixels. Every possible painting, drawing and photograph exists within these archives. So yeah... nothing can truly be original when complete and total chaos has already made it so.

Wild Card

Time for the players to focus on a piece of fluff text and have that take over the gaming session. Which kept happening to me when I tried to run specific adventure, we could never get to the actual adventure.


Okay, I definitely want to see more catgirl-Ellen.