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Yes, it absolutely HAD to be Larry who was meta-gaming, and need to get in-character again.

For reasons.



Stephen Gilberg

Just a reminder of one advantage of cross-gender role-playing: It's easy to tell from your voice whether you're in character.


Larry’s meta gaming, is the sort where you recognise where the DM is pointing you towards, and make an in character reason to go that way. I don’t really consider that meta gaming, though it can be immersion breaking if you talk about it like that.


The second and third panels gives me serious The Gamers: Dorkness Rising vibes and I love it


There is wisdom in these words!

Merle Blue

Happens to the best of us, tbh!

David Fenger

It also depends on the quality of the bait. If you've given the GM enough background to know what motivates your characters, the adventure hooks won't require any contortions to follow.


Dead Gentlemen Productions, creators of The Gamers series and Journey Quest, also produced a TTRPG called Demon Hunters. In this game, there is a perk/feat that allows you to meta game, essentially making you the Deadpool of TTRPGs; your character knows they are a character in an RPG. It's fun if you want to make a Red Mage like character from 8-Bit Theater, but I don't recommend taking such a feat unless you're an experienced role player and the GM is okay with it. When it's a core part of your character and played for laughs, meta-gaming can be a lot of fun! Otherwise, I find meta-gaming to be annoyingly immersion breaking.

Jenora Feuer

I knew one guy in a superhero game who had a danger sense power defined as 'can hear the background music'. He was defined as always being in meta-game mode, and the other characters treated him as having a loose grip on reality as a result. Of course, on the flip side, I've seen games that have a 'common sense' skill. If you have that, whenever you're about to do something stupid the GM is required to tell you that it's not a good idea.

Opus the Poet

Dude! I had a character that had a negative quality of "Theme Music When Flying" that basically made stalking on foot the only way to sneak up on another character. Maybe we were playing the same game system?

Some Ed

@David Fenger: yes, assuming it's a good GM. I'm reminded of a game in which the character with the most ridiculous backstory and personality turned out to be the one who *always* knew where the party needed to go next... because I very much enjoyed playing a ridiculous character and was the only one to really communicate to the GM what motivated me. The GM tried to put lures in for everybody, but I was the only one where he absolutely knew which lures would work.