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Rich wasn't entirely sure what was happening, or how Larry had become his elf bard RPG character, or why that elf bard was wearing a bunny suit, or why that Tedd person didn't seem confused at all while taking their picture.

Nor would Rich figure it out any time soon, for his brain was effectively frozen, and Elf Larry was far from done making him blush.


This was originally intended for Saturday, and was almost entirely finished on Monday! 

Due to unexpected circumstances on Tuesday, however, the healthiest option for me became to delay the next story page to Friday.

Rather than just not post anything on Wednesday, obvious option was obvious, and I decided to post this early.



Mark Williams

Im always happy to see elf bunny girls making people blush.

Danielle Church

omg now my brain is off making fanfiction of all the teasing Larry does

Matt R

Elf Larry is adorable


I love the little bunny hair clips.


The expression on Rich's face is priceless! I love it!




Larry’s outfit seems to be covering their boobs in a weirdly asymmetrical way. 🧐

Stephen Gilberg

EGS used to have a running gag of Elliot feeling this way about Tedd. Looks like Rich gets to carry the torch.

Opus the Poet

Just because you can't see to the centerline of the bust. If you were looking head on the V from the costume would be centered on their cleavage.

John Trauger

Rich.exe has suffered a fatal error and must reboot. {A}bort ,(R)etry, (F)ail


I cross my fingers that this will be canon someday, hoping that they will be a long-standing and cute couple.