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(Reminder: This storyline IS canon. It's exact place in time, however, is presently unknown.)

My basic motivation for Rich's development was that I wanted to keep him around without him being completely insufferable. I think it would have been an acceptable story for Rich and Larry to grow apart, but it's also not a story I had any interest in telling.

It would pretty much have been the "Rich is acting roughly how you'd expect him to, and Larry is gradually having enough of it" show.

I didn't really want to watch that.




awww, Rich. You're so close. Take the last step dear. Understand that you'll be happier by setting aside the toxic idea of "male pride" and instead take pride in apologizing to Ellen and elaborating that your play-group was toxic and that warped your idea of what running games looked like.

Dan Curtis

Toxic Masculinity is a cage


Good to see Rich (and Larry's) development. In other works, Rich would be hit with flanderization and devolve into a strawman who everyone loves to hate. Which doesn't really work for this comic. Rich will always be slightly insufferable, especially in things around his expert subject matter, and probably still try to impress girls in funny ways, but likely not to an irredeemable level.


It still might happen! His brain worked so hard to get where it is right now, it just needs little bit of a breather. I believe in him!

Some Ed

Not always. Sometimes it poisons you a lot every day.

Some Ed

I dunno. I recall having met some insufferable types who seemed not that incredibly different than Rich when I was a freshman in college, and they managed to turn around enough they at least seemed relatively decent to me before graduation. Since characters tend to develop quicker in web comics, at least in comic time, I have some hope for Rich getting a bit further along than you think. Now, as far as the whole trying to impress girls in funny ways, I resemble that statement, except I generally aim to impress women rather than girls. For guys my age, girls are either impossible to impress or far too easy and also can pose significant legal risks even if nothing actually happens.

John Trauger

baby steps, Rich. And remember to breathe....


I'm very happy to see Rich get some character development (and happy with the decision that's the path the comic will take).