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This wasn’t supposed to be up yet, but I guess I made a mistake. Yay.


Everyone's favorite characters return! HOORAY!

This storyline has gotten me started on over-making backgrounds so that they're large and reusable, which encouraged Ellen's animation in the first panel. The visible background is but a fraction of a premade background I used in the previous comic. Fully zoomed out, 196 comic books would be visible, as would part of the checkout counter.

The background in the panels with Rich and Larry is nothing so elaborate. I'm all set up to make it something so elaborate, but I considered how much was actually visible in this comic, and decided "yeah, the reusable version of THAT can wait."

Meanwhile, it 100% made sense to put in the time on the backgrounds with rows and columns of comics, because ye gods, so many comics. Comics without titles or anything, but given I'm working alone of this and have deadlines, we're taking the minimalist approach, here.



Stephen Gilberg

I think I liked Rich and Larry best in their first appearance, when they encapsulated nerdjerks. Since then, they've been relatively ordinary.


You know what? For these two, that's actually progress.

Jaye R.

The sad thing is of the 196 comics, 95 of them are Batman titles because that's all DC supports anymore


Recognizing that she is Nanase's girlfriend (even if they don't know/remember Ellen's name), and that being so makes her "off the market" even though she doesn't have a boyfriend, is definitely progress for them.


Does Larry(?) not know about bisexual/pansexual people? What year does this story take place, anyway?


They've come a long way from Tedd's troubles during a card game I'm happy for them


Larry does know about bi/pan people, as he himself wondered if he was bi because he thought Tedd was cute. But even here in the real world, some people have trouble understanding that being bi means being attracted to more than one gender, especially if a bi person is in a relationship with someone whose gender isn't the same as their own. So Larry's reaction seems pretty realistic to me.

John Trauger

Lookslike Larry has levelled up


I'll do one better. Why is Ellen?


That got answered, in a remarkably convoluted and EGS-specific way. Unless you mean Ellen Degeneres.

Some Ed

OMG, the Moperville comic store has that much diversity in its comics? I'll admit I don't really help the situation because I don't buy comic books anymore, but I seem to recall seeing something in excess of 50% batman the last time I went to a bookstore. I'll admit that some of those were comic books in which Batman did a crossover into some other hero's comic book, but I feel like it still counts as OMG holy Batman.

Some Ed

I've known a number of people who have had the idea that 'bisexual' meant that one would be in a relationship with a member of the opposite sex and having affairs with members of the same sex, and that was the only way it worked. Yes, I recognize there are many issues with the statement above, but it accurately reflects the views expressed by the people I'm talking about.


That's deeply weird. I believe you, but it's just a very strange idea to me.

Some Ed

They know that Ellen's dating Nanase, not Grace? Ok, sure, they *are* comic shop people, so they have some added exposure. I just thought the rumor mill would've confused the issue a bit more for them by now.


Rich and Larry are part of the Moperville University crowd, not the Moperville South High School crowd, so they wouldn't be tuned in to the high school rumor mill.