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I really do want to do a storyline that is a story written by Ashley. This storyline will include both the quirks of the characters she's created, and the quirk that all the dialogue and such will be written by her.

This will naturally include intentionally awkward writing, and awkward writing that was not intentional, but I can CLAIM was intentional.

But I'm not ready to do that, and really, I have many characters who are impatiently tapping their toes while waiting to be in the spotlight, so there'll be one of more storylines before we see Ashley's OCs again.



Matt R

That lineup will get bigger in the future for sure


Elliot is lucky he is- gender fluid? and can turn into a girl, because Ashley is at least 70% bi-leaning towards women.


This has been a really entertaining story. :) I'm looking forward to getting back to it, though I hope we get to see some shenanigans with Ashley in Tedd's lab in canon too.


Where exactly is Not!Ashley’s left hand? (Yes I know but that’s not where I see it)


I was wondering where *Ashley's* hands have been. Was she going to write this down, of course. What were you thinking?


Last panel is an absolute mood

Dan Curtis

I will sleep when I'm dead

Opus the Poet

I used to say that until I died for reals, then came back. I have to say being dead for over 2 and less than 10 minutes was really hard to wake up from, and very painful zero stars out of 10 would not recommend.