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Pep thoughts

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I like that Susan has impractical long hair. It says something that she keeps it in spite of various other aspects of her personality.

What exactly it says, I'm not even going to try and articulate.

But it's definitely something.



Sibyl Arnett

Mine's only just past my bust and yet I still understand this pain. I have no idea how one would put up with it at waist-length.


Hm. Does it help that her hair is a magic battery? Probably not.


orneriness? :)


Susan like her long hair. Which is odd, considering her past. Surprising that she never cut it boyishly short. But it shows that despite all, Susan is still primarily feminine, and feels comfortable with long hair, enough to ignore the ick factor anyway.


It says "I am Susan. Deal with it." More or less. Her own version of "Hear me roar."

Matt R

I like her long hair


Now you have to give her hair-related magic.


As someone who has long hair but always wears it tied back, I can relate. There are impractical things about having it, but it's part of *who I am*, and I'm never cutting it short again.

Stephen Gilberg

Nowadays, long hair is more rebellious.

Frédéric B.

So can I. With the COVID paranoia, I've taken to summarily braiding my long hair before I go out...


...ok, I'll bite. What does braiding your hair - or not braiding your hair I guess? - have to do with COVID?