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An entirely unexpected turn of events.

- At egscomics 


- Feminine Larry

I'm not 100% sure this is actually Larry? I liked the design, and wanted to use something like it here.

An anime I like is (deep breath) I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.

Or Bofuri for short.

ANYWAY, I tend to get fixated on things I enjoy, but then I run out of thing. Boo. So I will turn to the YouTubes and see if there are video discussions, reactions, etc.

As one might have guessed by now, in spite of knowing the full title, there are a number of people who have a VERY difficult time accepting that the main character is going to focus entirely on defense.

And yes, I had to poke fun at this.



Matt R

It is a nice design

William McDuff

You might also like Ascendance of a Bookworm if you haven't checked out that one.


very very cute character design regardless of whomst they are

Dan Merget

If that is Larry, I'll assume his transformation included something that prevents him from noticing the change. Otherwise, given his personality, I think the only thing he'd be able to focus on is "OMG I'M A GIRL!"

David Fenger

Now I want to go watch Bofuri again. But that's not really new...


I haven't watched it yet, but I read that she ends up getting a deadly counter-attack as a result of increasing her defense only, so it does make sense for her. I wonder if it'll end up being a broken combo or something.


Bofuri is a good, wholesome MMO anime and I love it.

James C

It's nice to see a whole "VR-MMO" anime where they don't get stuck in it, or it isn't being used for mind control, or any other villainous scheme beyond "we need to fix the game balance to make it fun for all players"

Stephen Gilberg

You know, if the best defense is a good offense...

David Howe

Yui and Mai. * one shot kills on anything but a level boss - where it might take three or four * weapon hit boxes so large they exceed the weapon by a large margin - it doesn't even need to be a NEAR miss to be a one shot kill * Can wield six weapons at once to become a spinning top of absolute devastation. .... so, yeah. that's WITHOUT their bears.


Frienship is her real superpower.

David Howe

Being cute and lovable despite being, you know, a terrifying monster at frequent intervals...

Daryl Sawyer

Sometimes. Other times, the best offense is a good defense. Depends where on the balance wave that particular historical moment is.

David Howe

S2 is/was supposed to be released in 2022; not seen an actual release date for this yet though, so hoping it doesn't get pushed back to 2023...