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Sarah is not always the best at showing restraint when it comes to transformation.

Rarely the best.

Possibly the worst.

And once again, a background character finds their way into what is supposed to be a two character image! I'd argue things are a bit more awkward this time around, however.



Scott McCarthy

Am I the only one disappointed tensided is not cosplaying?

Daryl Sawyer

I don'at know if this is the place to ask such a thing but... what's up with the giant boobs obsession lately?


I like it. And it's not just boobs. It's the tea. But larger boobs have a rich history in elgoonishshive, starting perhaps with V5.


What did Susan say when Sarah showed up like this?


Awwww, Susan looks adorable with that expression and blush. And Sarah's over-the-top confidence is fun.


The polls are mostly determined go by what's popular in the surveys, though in this case it was a call back to an EGS:NP. Really, if you were going to ask this in response to one of the pinups, the other one with tedd would've been way more appropriate ^^;


And who wouldn't want to feel taller, sexier and more powerful with the confidence that comes with?

Connie Edogawa

who say's he's not? we can't see it, but I'm 100% positive that his shirt reads "NPC Shopkeeper. Ask me about my wares!"


I love how happy Sarah looks in this one.


Tensaided is definately caught off guard; especialy as Susan is still likely his employee and sees him most days anyway.


Considering what he recently learned of Elliot, I wouldn't be surprised if he's wondering if Susan knew, and wondering if she too has special abilities.


True, but I doubt she was that shapely when she was last at work when Tensaided was on. BTW, just what the heck is his first name?


I'm guessing this is Sarah post size watch mishap. (from here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/single-character-4925551">https://www.patreon.com/posts/single-character-4925551</a> ) Though it seems Susan has been VF3'd....

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Whatever's behind it, it's getting right in the way of Matt's mermaids and my "sea otter Sarah and Susan," "bobcat Bobcat" and "long legs and hair Sarah" suggestions.

John Trauger

Sarah really went all-in.


I wouldn't be surprised if he had a first and middle name where their initials formed D.M. Tensaided.

John Trauger

This--voluntarily, if non-canon--from the girl who spurned Elliot and Tedd's bikini fund... :)

John Trauger

Or the FV5 Bikini Fund Sarah... <a href="https://www.patreon.com/file?h=5374037&amp;i=406862">https://www.patreon.com/file?h=5374037&amp;i=406862</a>