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Tedd decided to try and determine how busty was too busty, donning a Uryuom suit given the planned extremes, and a lab coat because science is science. It's possible she then forgot to carry a 1 somewhere while setting her transformation watch, for the tests proved much less of a steady progression than planned.

Truth be told, I actually sketched a more extreme size than this first (same otherwise), but I decided that too much was too much and dialed it back to this too much, which was still too much, but the right amount of too much as opposed to too much of too much.




Will you be posting the original sketch that was too much of too much?


I didn't save it. It was a rough sketch on a layer over a sketch of the rest of Tedd, and once I concluded I didn't like the results, I just got rid of that layer.


How do those suits know not to squeeze super soft body parts? Even if it was making room for them, not sure they offer any support.


Wow, that's definitely too much! Seems like it would be downright painful, to be honest. Tedd does look good in that shade of pink, though. :)

Connie Edogawa

what I suspect is going through her head right now: "ok, so what have we learned? a) I DO have a limit to what I think is ok. b) I currently wish magic were more common knowledge so I could make the rest of me big enough to make this size acceptable, just to see what it's like."


@Doomed - They know because alien nanomachine weave, son.

Pouncy Silverkitten

Dan, now that you've mentioned it, you realize you're going to have to let us see the "much too much" sketch at some point?


When you can't stand up, it's too much.




Will we ever see too much too much?


If enough people want it, and I can figure out how to make it work, but I'd be surprised if a lot of people wanted bigger than this.


I meant in so far as making an image that isn't just a repeat of this one with more "too much". Something interesting and appealing.


On the ground is the only place one can be with 100 pounds hanging off their front.


I suspect too much too much isn't enough, at least for a temporary transformation... but I don't think my preferences in that regard have an upper limit, so I may be the wrong person to ask that. Well... I guess actual heart failure or collapsing into nuclear fusion if heart failure isn't an issue might be my personal upper limit, but that's assuming physics still applies. Again, that's for temporary. A more lasting change... something lasting at 5 hours... yea, this would be near upper limit just due to difficulty of bathroom breaks. But if it was just for an hour, I'd totally go bigger.


We're getting into "benign tumour" territory at this point, though, aren't we?

Fake Name

+1 more too much.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

To me, personally, it went past "appealing" long before it got that far. Base-form Nanase and Ellen are the upper limit of "appealing" to me. I ... seem to be in the company of people who disagree on that point, though, given the way "double FV5," "supercharged zap," "quadruple tea" and "extra-busty" get so many likes.


I'm thinking... "Uryuom 'Mother'ship in low Earth orbit is the too much too much transformation? " XD

Sam Mann

So a double you-tee-eff cup, got it.