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Many thoughts 

- At egscomics 

Edit - Dialogue balloon fix


I do believe it is possible to impulsively flirt without that being one's conscious intent. We are definitely capable of acting prior to understanding why we're doing what we're doing.

Please note that this is NOT the same as someone mistakenly believing someone else is flirting.

That's not flirting without meaning to. That's one person being mistaken about another person.

Awkward Grace!

I originally wrote Grace directly asking Conan about this after clarifying that she was already in a relationship.

You may have already guessed that I decided I did not like that idea. Even if well-intentioned with Grace wanting to be clear she's not interested, that felt blunt, and like Grace would know that might hit like a hammer swing.

So I started thinking through how Grace would think this through, and, well...

Grace and me? Our trains of thought are prone to rampant track switching, and catastrophic derailment.



Jim Avery

Sounds like my ADHD mind at "work".


There was a scientific study once that randomly paired subjects, assigned each individual either flirt or don't flirt, then had the subjects and other observers try to determine who was flirting. The result was, essentially, that no one can determine flirting with any degree of accuracy.


Is that a sly reference to how Greg had to be scaled down so he could fit in panels with other people? (I think I remember reading that in the early commentaries.)


Yep! I thought about pointing this out in the commentary, but I decided I wanted to see if people got it :D


Greg has been nerfed extensively since the comic began, in order to make him "fit" with the world, one way or another.


Hey, probably not the only old reader who still wants the Soul Ripper and some of the other things from very early to return. And Grace's brothers, darn it!