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A natural!

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I hadn't planned for panel two to be a fantasy panel, but I decided I wanted an interesting visual for my comic that happens to be a visual medium.

My intent with rounded borders in black (as opposed to grey) is that the visual isn't literal, but the dialogue is. I imagine this is obvious in context, but I also needed text to write in my commentary that happens to be a text medium.

As for how realistic Conan's situation is, it's not realistic to this extreme, but I'm fairly certain there are body types that have a relatively easier time putting on muscle, but also have an easier time becoming overweight.

Or I could be completely wrong about that and someone's about to yell at me. I don't know. I'm not a fitness scientist.

In any case, that's how it is for one side of Conan's family, and may I remind you that's talking to Grace, a human-squirrel-alien-alien hybrid. There might be scientific inaccuracy afoot.




So Liefield's nephew, maybe.

Matt R

No way, Liefeld's characters are so musclebound they look overstuffed. Not to mention the lack of pouches


Can't be Liefeld, we saw his feet and they weren't obscured by, I dunno, a demonic duck of some sort.


I was on medication with a big weight-gain side effect for a while, and the silver lining was I started getting noob gains at the gym again :)


...damn Patreon and its breaking of multi-line posts on mobile. I was also gonna say that to look like that he'd have to have done a bunch of fat loss after gaining the muscle because you can't gain muscle without at least a little fat ... And for a lot of people that second part would be harder. To gain muscle you just have to be stubborn. To lose fat without losing muscle? Sooo much harder. At least IME.


From what I've heard from some friends who were into body building, especially prepping for a competition has multiple stages. During the period where you build the muscle you do look chonkier, and then you need to cut the fat without losing the muscle, and finally dehydrate to make it even sharper.


Conan the barbarian delivered in story! Great work, Dan! ^_^


Well now he has to be turned into a girl! Wonderwoman style body building skull crusher, but still


Now I want to see what his mom looked like when she was his age.

David Fenger

Maybe as a sketchbook, of Conan and Grace in a typical Frazetta pose... then reversed both in gender and garb/position.


You know, I think the last time we saw the Duck in canon was when he jumped out of a moving vehicle back in 2010. https://www.egscomics.com/?date=2010-05-03

Dan Merget

I'm kind of hoping he makes another canonical appearance at some point, just to establish that he survived that experience.


More likely Conan the Librarian... Except for the size and the muscles he's almost stereotypically nerdy. Also, he can be a male version of the sexy librarian stereotype.