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A new challenger!

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This guy is intentionally more muscular and bulky than he likely would be, because this is a visual medium, and I needed to convey that this is a beefy dude.

Were this a novel, I could write... Um... What would I write?

Some dude walked up. He was BUFF.

Yeah, that would've done it.

Anyway, he has glasses, because it turns out nearsightedness can affect you even if you have muscles. Who'da thunk it.


It is my understanding that, in some cultures, it could be considered rude to not be overly modest, and downplay your abilities.

Granted, even in those cultures, there are going to be plenty of people who are like "that's ridiculous, I'm good at this thing, and it's not rude to say it, or agree to it when it's pointed out."

They'll be called rude immediately after, of course.

Not that that's what's happening here, exactly. Grace's rudeness is in being dismissive of this guy's strength. It's just that Grace reminded me of this in panel three.




This guy needs his ass kicked by Grace. Grace, on the other hand, doesn't need to do anything about him. For the sake of Ed Verres' peace of mind, best if she uses diplomacy on him.


Hey, he's the spike ball hard guy, let him have his thing! (or Elliot can beat him up, either or)


Um, no. The girl talking to Grace is Spike. We can't have him sporting such a confusing name.

Violet Moon

I think BUFF there needs to be hit by a TF beam!


Grace isn’t really being dismissive of this guy’s strength. She’s just answering a question honestly based on her knowledge. She knows she has strength far in excess of normal humans, so naturally she thinks she can probably spike a ball harder than any random human. The reason she says “probably” is because she does not necessarily know if this guy has superhuman strength as well. He could. But in any case, she’s not being dismissive, she’s just answering honestly without thinking. Which is 100% Grace.


Agreed. But then, because this is Moperville, he might well be another magic user. And since her friendship circle includes Nanase and Elliot (and Greg is her Sensei), she thinks him being powered is perhaps more likely than it actually is and experiences remorse. Okay, maybe that was mostly me trying to justify her response in panel 3.


I though panel three was more her remembering she probably shouldn't go around telling people how strong she is.

A Red Mage Named Blue

She's not even being dismissive, she's accepting the possibility that he may have magical strength, hence the "Probably" rather than "definitely"

Matt R

inb4 we see Nanase showing off her muscle tone

Some Ed

To be fair, how hard you can spike the ball *is* affected by body weight. Normally, that effect isn't a lot. I mean, the energy one is imparting on the ball is imparted on one by the ball at the same time, more or less. (Well, technically speaking, strictly *less*, but it's by such a small amount you need to retain a lot of digits to not round to equality.) How long you can continue imparting energy on the ball varies based on how quickly the ball moves away from you. If you weigh less, the ball effectively moves away quicker. Of course, this is usually less than a rounding error, but this guy looks a lot more massive than Grace. If he's super strong also, it could turn out to be the deciding factor. Unless, of course, Grace can increase her mass enough more than he can to negate that difference. That said, I feel like he should probably spike the ball first because I'm getting the feeling Stephen Gilberg (who said the spiking should happen *after* the game) was prophetic.

Some Ed

But it does still come off as being dismissive. It could've been more diplomatic for her to simply state, "I break physics. Unless you do also, yes." But that would get into that whole secrets mess. To be fair, this could also.


lol, of course a macho-type guy that needs to get worfed had to appear right at this moment. XD So now Grace is either going to stand out 1000% more than she wanted or she'll have to pull a Saiki K. on the audience.

Wild Card

Well, that ego was easily stepped upon. This is going to be a fun, one-sided contest


When first reading the page (but not the comment) I misinterpreted it as Grace fulfilling specifically FEMALE rile expectations. Yes, being very direct about being better at something is in many environments considered rude – but usually more accepted from men than from women. (As is rudeness for that matter.) Or even expected from men but considered bad behavior from women. Probably also contributes to pay-inequality actually. I guess I've been overthinking the panel.