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Me: I'm going to draw a simplified big crowd!

Also me: Wait, what exactly would that look like?

Also Also Me: Where actually even are they in the school that's big enough for a big crowd, a high ceiling, and is presumably AWAY from the cafeteria?

Also Also Also Me: Do I really have room for a crowd in four panels? I really want that silent beat before reactions to imply Grace and Ellen gaining some distance.

Me: I'm going to imply several witnesses of an indeterminate number!



Some Ed

Well, um, the gym teachers never asked her to do that. They asked her to do stupid arbitrary stuff that made no sense. Not that this particularly made sense, but it came out of her mind, so that's different.


Dear Also Also Me: They could have been in an entry foyer. (Implying works and fits better, though.)

John Trauger

I'd expect the coaches to be chasing Nanase at least for student athletics. There are so many sports that could use for a girl that can bench press 200lbs and regulrly flies through the corridors. Grace should have already been on their radar. Now moreso. Also Elliot and maybe Justin.

Stephen Gilberg

Took me a moment to realize that's a big ellipsis and not "OOO."