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No handstands!

- At egscomics 


Yeah, um, here's the thing:

Grace is a LITTLE stronger than she looks.

Just a little.

I have no idea if anything about this makes sense. I just wanted Grace to do a cool move enough to draw five gosh dang panels for it.

And yes.

The ceiling was high enough.

Because I said so.




Not only strong, she can fly. Doing a move like that when you can fly is not necessarily all that surprising.

Michael Brewer

The backpack is honestly probably the most impressive part of that move, given Grace's athleticism


Lotta schools have crazy high ceilings.

Jaye R.

If it was important to not allow handstands you'd think there'd be a mural

Some Ed

The high school I went to had a ceiling that was literally twice the height of our basketball players. Well, on the above ground floors, at least. The basement was apparently built to slightly more sane standards, so only had 10' ceilings.


This Russian judge... is impressed!

Violet Moon

How is that possibly a rule? Someone should check the school code!


Sometimes I forget that on top of her other abilities, Grace is superhumanly fit

Some Ed

That said, the most difficult part of the backpack move is tracking the backpack to know exactly when and where to stick ones arms up to catch it, and given her spatial awareness, also something she has an advantage at. Of course, since she doesn't have her antennae out, it's still clearly difficult, and even if it wasn't, it's still very impressive.


Check out panels 2 - 4 as Verity {hands tied around a pipe behind her back} access the miniature spanner she uses like a hair stick - https://www.widdershinscomic.com/wdshn/december-28th-2021


She forgot to preface "We good" with her intention. Now I just don't know what she means! Is it "Polite inquiry: We good?" or "Slightly smug sarcasm: We good?" THE WORLD WILL NEVER KNOW

Matt R

The fact nothing came out of her backpack while doing this is even more impressive

Stephen Gilberg

I think they do that so the taller boys don't jump up and punch it just for kicks. Or...punches.

Matt R

Not all backpacks have zippers, some use buttons or clasps


Not all zippers function correctly, some (cheap ones) will split open at the slightest pressure. I had many a backpack that just burst open when I carried all the required textbooks in high school. Perhaps zipper tech has advanced in the decades since.

Some Ed

Right. A functioning zipper correctly fastened, or application of a sufficient number of clasps, buttons, and/or hooks will ensure that. So will a good drawstring, but it's obvious that's not the closing mechanism this one uses. More or less, nothing falling out means that Grace closed her backpack securely. Sure, I've known people who've had problems doing that, regardless of what mechanism their backpack utilized to keep itself closed. I've seen backpacks that have a single strap to hold themselves closed, combined with enough amorphism that a heavy object such as a textbook could still fall out even when it was ostensibly securely closed. I've also seen a backpack that buttoned closed, but the holes were nearly twice the size of the buttons, so it would come open pretty easily under pressure. As far as zipper tech improving to the point where structural failures don't happen: you underestimate how cheap US companies are. Regardless of how little it costs to make a quality zipper, there will be a company that sells one that's cheaper than that, and there will be a company that utilizes that cheap zipper in a cheap backpack. The only real variable there was, "exactly how cheap was it?"