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These are technically canon, but only if Rhoda and Catalina's dreams count.



Blissfull Wulf

Nice, makes me want a third one though of Rhoda and Catalina being in each other's dreams now that they're together to complete the set, might just suggest that next survey. Keep up the good work, Dan.


...I wonder what's going to happen if Elliot gets the magic ability to lucid dream in other people's dreams.


Why are the other two pinups posted tonight just labeled finebin? My phone has nothing that can open thwm


Cat Susan is adorable. Well they both are but jeeze...


I love Rhonda' expression


I'm not sure why you brought that up, but it sounds like a really cool magic power to have!


Because sexy dreams! And because it's vaguely feasible more now that Elliot has embraced his girly morphs.


Try to find a plot that hasn't been used in that. Or The Simpsons.

Ryan Flores

Dreamers are going to dream. Even if they DO have loved ones already. Heh.... I WILL admit to shipping Susan/Cat though...


Epically around/under the eyes.


Surely it's more likely that Sarah would develop such a power?

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

"It sounds like a really cool magic power to have." Hmm. Er ... are we talking about a power that would mean Elliot and someone else had the same dream and Elliot was in charge of what happened in it? Elliot, Nanase and Sarah I might trust with such a power, but in general that sounds like something utterly terrifying that a DC villain would use to take over half the world. Also, I wonder whether it puts Elliot at risk of seeing what someone else was dreaming <b>before</b> the dreams melded, which could be terrible for Elliot.


@Chris: True, it would be a terrifying power. For everyone except the owner. Especially if you don't need the dreams to be similar at first. That's the basis of "Nightmare on Elm Street" for a reason, but who hasn't watched those movies and thought they would like to have Freddy's powers? (without the burnt-alive-sociopath background, of course).


Ehm, Dan, I know these are just dreams and stuff, but I wonder what Susan's Reaktion would be if she found out that someone dreamed her wearing a pet collar. And nothing else. And that a certain someone else made a picture oft that dream... ;-)


Probably the exact same as her reaction here. Susan tends to be both logical and consistent. <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=185" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=185</a>


It also sounds more fitting to Sarah's existing magical abilities than Elliot's. Might work with Nanase's sneaky spells or Ellen's transdimensional dream life too.




And now I'm remembering that scene from "Look Who's Talking Now" where they're both dreaming about other people and the dreams merge together.


Teddy, Grace, and Sarah