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Okay, this was going to be for tomorrow, but I wanna post it now, so there.

Technically, this is someone imagining Susan and Elliot doing this for the ratings, most likely Ashley.

So, in a way, this could be canon.

HOWEVER! It is only speculation that Ashley is imagining them doing this!

What if it's Susan herself? She does have an active imagination, and that very slight knee touch could be a wild fantasy by her standards.

Just saying.

As for the image itself, it was fun to make, and I'm happy with how it turned out. Some of the things, like the highlights in Susan's hair, turned out better (in my opinion) than I thought they might. It's the sort of detail I probably wouldn't make the norm just out of time consideration, but for standalone images? Yay.




Awesome! I really like the Star Trek look of Susan's dress.

Matt R

Susan looks gorgeous here

Stephen Gilberg

Susan would not do it for real. I doubt Elliot would either.


I wound up going with an intentional Kirk and Spock thing with the colors :D



Violet Moon

I came here to say the same thing. Bring the scants back!! (I'm glad LD has, at least)


For a show episode? Maybe not. To render Ashley flustered? Wouldn't want to rule it out.


The Rule 34 boys are gonna have a field day with this one.


Susan did say she'd be willing to wear the TOS uniform for the show, not so sure about the rest of it.

Merle Blue

Wonderful look for the both of them!

John Trauger

What the viewers didn't know was that's Elliot on the left and Susan on the right....


...Elliot in the Miniskirt Dress Uniform of the TNG era, Susan in the long tunic and pants of the Bajoran Military. Him in Ops Brown, her in engineering silver?

Servo Kamen

Looks like a great plan to me.