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And now, a teacher

- At egscomics 


I originally wrote this teacher as providing a one panel explanation, immediately followed by what will now be the next comic.

The reason she wound up getting a full comic to herself was I felt some explanation was necessary, but the panel she took up didn't leave enough room for the rest of the comic.

As for her design, I wasn't really sure what I wanted going in, and wound up with this. I like how she turned out enough that she might get a doppelganger when we move on to college years.

Or, heck, she could just get a job at the college. I dunno.

The exercise they're doing is based on one I vaguely remember doing in school, though it's possible I've given her class more of a reason to be doing it than we had. I don't even remember what the point of us doing it was. Maybe it was just practice discussing things?




Ah yes, another generation traumatized about public speaking.


Critical thinking, teamwork, public speaking... they're doomed.


Hi Catalina's Mom!


<p style="color: #008600;">Well this is a nice exercise, I remember we also did something similar to this. And her design is really great!</p>

Some Ed

There are times I wonder why I have such a fear of public speaking. When I was a little kid, I had no such fear. I could get up in front of the whole school and say all kinds of things without any worry about what might happen. Like this one time, back in elementary school... Oh, wait, that's right. That's why I have a fear of public speaking.