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The most unrealistic thing about is EGS is people using their phones as actual phones.

And yes, the weighted turtle shells are a thing in Dragon Ball, as is weighted clothing in general. Pretty sure most of the weighted clothing training in that anime would be a terrible idea in real life, though weighted wristbands and such are sold.

I would recommend carefully researching how to use such things safely before running out and getting anything like them, however.




Greg-sensei can probably help Elliot source a reasonably-priced substitute, but would a "true Dragon Ball fan" settle for fifty-pound mock turtle shells?


Oh, another bit of exclusionary nonsense is the idea that one cannot be a fan of both Star Trek and Star Wars. The people I saw the J.J. Abrams reboot of Star Trek with were largely the same people I saw Rogue Squadron with...


Rucking is a thing, it's basically hiking with a weighted backpack (at least that is my understanding). I'm certain you could find a backpack made to resemble a turtle shell.


Humorously, I'd argue that JJ's Star Trek was the least Star Trek movie of the series, and that Rogue Squadron was a major departure from most Star Wars movies, so that makes perfect sense.


can you be a True Fan(tm) if you didn't carve the stone shell via your own punches?


@Viktor: Yes, but we didn't know that until we saw them. ^_^

Some Ed

I'd say a true fan wouldn't bother, but a Real Dragon Ball Fan with than particular fixation would settle for the most realistic 50 pound turtle shells they could get. That is, if mock shells were the best they could do, they'd begrudgingly accept others who worked out with 50 pound mock turtle shells as other Real Fans. But the moment they were able to work out with a *real* 50 pound turtle shell, they'd dismiss those unfortunates as not real fans. That's just how those people tend to work. It's possible that there might be some who are not so fickle, but those are either starting to recover from the insanity, or still on their way down the path to it.

Some Ed

But would a backpack made to resemble a turtle shell be weighted properly? The ones I've seen do not have *nearly* enough weight in front, so you're even more unbalanced than if you were wearing a 50 pound turtle shell. Admittedly, all of the ones I've seen were for people who would likely not be much more than 50 pounds themselves, or might even weigh a little less. Those backpacks probably would not handle that much weight very well, as most backpacks I've seen are not designed to handle the weight of the wearer.