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The shocking conclusion!

At egscomics 


I consider this storyline canon, but I also consider declaring it canon antithetical to the storyline itself?

As though putting the cannon-canon down here would cause it to implode or something?

Whatever. I'm saying it's canon, but I'm not the boss of you. Also, it's probably not important enough to be directly referenced in the main comic, so it technically doesn't matter.

Except now I feel determined to reference it in the main comic at some point. The thought consumes me. It is now my goal. My only goal. I have but one path in life now, and that path is to make certain that, at some point, somehow, and for some reason, THIS STORYLINE IS REFERENCED IN OFFICIAL EGS CANON!

Or I'll get bored and forget about it. Whatevs.




Dear, sweet Grace. It *matters* because when you have an official canon, everyone has the same starting point to argue from -- an even field, so to speak. Without that, you have to clarify everything. Even if I don't like a particular part of it, it's worth it to avoid having to sit down and haggle everything out over what people think is canon or not whenever I want to discuss the setting with someone.


Grace didn't say that official canon doesn't matter, just that you don't have to like every canon story and only canon stories. (It also looks to me like she's arguing in favor of everyone having their own head-canon, even though she never used the term.)


Also (much as in this story), the existence of an official canon doesn't always stop people from arguing about which stories or story-elements count.


Grace Thinks: There are so many horrible things happening in the world. Why do people choose this to fight over. Friendship is more important!

Daryl Sawyer

Someone needs to introduce these guys to Elder Scrolls lore. The fact that there is no canon is canon.

Some Ed

Even if you say this story is canon and we choose to accept that, we can accept it on *our* terms, and add elements that we can still argue about. For example, I choose to think, as I thought before this became official canon, that this is *future* canon stuff, as it happens *after* Luke has been around Justin long enough to have coincidentally also been around Grace long enough for it to make sense for him to be comfortable with going to Grace for help on this one. Like, they're all college students in this, not just Luke. Heck, maybe Grace and Luke have even had a class or two together.


Meh, linear time will never catch on. And anyway, Akatosh has to nap sometime.