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The daily grind

At egscomics 


Look, If Justin wants to just wear his black button shirt with it unbuttoned, that's fine, and technically fits the criteria for his work uniform.

I looked up punch clock references for this comic, which was sort of helpful? They were varied, and the one I drew doesn't really match any of them, but that's why I wound up putting a clock on it, at least.

In the process of this, I saw a video talking about the history of punch clocks, and how modern ones can have biometric scanners for identifying employees to avoid cheating, and I'm just... Really? Really.

Because nothing says "we trust our employees and want their loyalty and trust" like requiring fingerprints to prove they were REALLY there and didn't get someone ELSE to punch it for them.

Oh, right, I guess the comic is about games pressuring you to play them every day.

Um... I don't like it, but it can make sense depending on the game, whether it's an issue will depend on the game, how exactly it's done, personal preference, it probably makes sense for Animal Crossing, I haven't actually played any of them since the first one, yadda yadda yadda.

Anyway, about punch clocks...



Stephen Gilberg

I stopped with the first AC (Animal Crossing, not Assassin's Creed) too. I liked it for a long time, but I just didn't picture the sequels offering much more.

Conrad Wong

That's the biggest gripe I have about MMOs, I prefer it if they set weekly limits so you can space it out when you like rather than dailies so you fear you're missing out.

A Red Mage Named Blue

Games giving you some new tasks every day which you can do for rewards? Great. Games punishing you for not doing those tasks every single day? Bad


Wage slave Justin has tired Dad energy.

Some Ed

I'd actually prefer the MMOs let the weeklies pile up to a month's worth, because I have a job where sometimes one weekend a month is all I get. Though, to be honest, the second month in a row like that I had and I didn't do *any* of the dailies or monthlies. The sixth month in a row like that and I just quit the MMO entirely, because there was just too much pressure to be in the game all the time.

Dragon Quest 3 or 4 in 2024

I was just talking about Lower Decks with a friend earlier. Its pretty fun actually. Highly recommended!

Frédéric B.

Anyone who complains about visiting the Temple of the Ocean King four times during the quest never had to complete it daily for two random boat parts.


Sooooo, you don't like games with daily quests, but we have to go to your website 3 times per week for a new comic? You should be happy those games trained us well. Yes, I know you're not forcing us, but neither do those games. JK your comics are better than repetitive cash-grabs. :-)