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A tall scientist has transformed into the form of Nanase!

He was trying to make a better bubble gum.

I'm not sure how he managed this.

(Now with eyebrows! Whoops)




Makes me think of a video game about... shrinking. https://store.steampowered.com/app/976700/Size_Matters/ You have developed a shrinking potion. It's working. Now you need to make an antidote before you end up subatomic.


10/10 bubblegum clearly improved

Matt R

Well, I can see quite a few edits of this one

John Trauger

Looks like a success to me...


SO glad these are back. :D

Prof Sai

Well this is WAY better bubble gum.

Mitchell Sealy

I like the idea of a universe where the number one challenge scientists face is trying to create products that *don't* transform you in sexy ways. Just trying to make a hair dye that creates a bluer blue and then "Whoops! I seem to be a particularly curvy anthropomorphic squid. Back to the drawing board."


"There! Exactly #CCCCFF, with no side effects! Ma will be so pleased; she's terribly partial to periwinkle blue. Now to fix my form. Let's try standard restoration potion... No, but I am at least human, look vaguely like my drivers license picture, and not speaking in a Traveller accent..."

Merle Blue

A rousing success!