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I changed the pledge amount on a bunch of old pots to try to fix an apparent issue. A side effect of this is, apparently, e-mailing everyone about these old posts.

Fan-flipping-tastic. My apologies for this, and now I really hope it fixed the issue of claiming there were more posts to see for even the top tier patrons >_<



Well, the good news is that it apparently did in fact fix the problem. It does raise a new question though: are these Zelda style pots, or plain old cooking ones?

John Alexander

No worries. Glad you explained what the barrage of messages was for, lol.


I just got back from a trip, and hadn't set my 'weekday' alarm again... so on the bright side thanks for getting me to work on time with a slew of notifications. ;)


It was quite interesting to have my phone remixing my alert tone :p


We still love you Dan, despite the bunch of old pots.


Ahhh so this is why my phone went crazy! No worries Dan, tech glitches happen. 😊


Ooooh, that's what happened to my email. Well, alright. Thanks for the explanation, Dan!

Kaz Redclaw

Ah, that's what happened. Though, I was more concerned about getting messages for different tiers than I was pledged to.


Are the new survey posts up yet or not? If they are, I still can't see them. (I did check and it says I'm pledging for the $5 tier, so it's not my end in all likelihood)