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EDIT 5 - Fixed

I'll be posting the $5+ surveys later today, which makes the possible pledge level issue an immediate concern. I've heard from a couple people pledging at the max level who say they can't see all posts, which shouldn't be the case.

I can think of two explanations:

1 - They did not actually select the highest pledge level. You can edit a pledge without actually changing what tier you're in. You have to be sure to select it from the available options and not just change your pledge amount.

2 - There's a glitch that needs fixing.

I'm posting this because I want to determine if it's a glitch. If you are having trouble seeing posts that should be visible to you, please make certain you've selected the right tier. You can edit pledges by going to your pledges page.

If it turns out you have selected the right tier and are pledging the right amount for that tier, but still can't see the posts you should be able to see, please let me know.


If you can see the surveys and polls, you should be seeing everything. I don't know what four posts Patreon is talking about.

EDIT 2 - I think I figured it out. There USED to be higher tiers, and I made messages just for them at times. I suspect those now irrelevant posts are the issue.

EDIT 3 - Or maybe not? Blargh

EDIT 4 - I've found and edited a bunch of formerly $50+ posts. Mayhaps this a difference makes???



I have pledged the 5 dollar level, but going to the Patreon page for EGS there is a notice at the top saying 'If you raise your pledge to Dan Shive, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 4 more patron-only posts.' Edit: I should also note that the first post I can see preceding this one is the Male Characters / Forms Desired for Pinups Survey.


That is weird... You should be seeing everything. No higher tier exists!


Hi Dan. I am pledging at the $5+ level, but my rewards were set to the $3. I'm not sure if that was me, or if I was accidentally reset to a lower level.


I'm also getting that message about raising my pledge, but I don't see any posts I'm missing. Normally if you're not authorized to see a post, you'll still see a message there saying something to the effect of, "you need to be at a higher teir to read this."


...and my phone just now went crazy with Patreon notifications. Like, 12 in a row. What are you doing, Dan?


I just got like 20 patreon notifications on my phone. What happen.


Yeah, I see what's going on. All those notifications were edits to posts almost 2 years old. The good news is I don't see the notice about raising my pledge anymore.


Yeah, I just got emails for a bunch of formerly $50+ posts dated from a while ago, so you apparently made them visible to everybody! Now I know how you talk to the rich people! Muahaha


I just got about a dozen messages about posts related to the $50+ patrons, and the notice has vanished. Looks like you found the problem. Thank you!

Jared Fattmann

I, too, have been inundated with notifications.


Ack! I just got a bunch of $50+ and $100+ posts from waaaay in the past.


To be clear, all this happened after I re-set myself to the $5+ level.