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Tedd Game Opinions...? 

At egscomics 


This was actually going to be the fourth comic in this series, but I decided to stick to the mid-game transformation stuff first.

Plus I was nervous about making Diane-a-chu look nifty, but let's go with the consistency of topic excuse.


Diane likes Mass Effect, and is fully on board with romance options in games.

I personally find romance options in games really off-putting, and will go out of my way to tell the majority of NPCs that I just want to be friends. If I don't, it's because they make turning them down feel bad (which really isn't a healthy basis for  a relationship, but whatever, it's a video game).

The existence of romance options in Mass Effect make me more hesitant than eager to play, though I'm pretty sure you don't HAVE to romance anyone? Though you can probably do it by accident, thus the CHALLENGE of staying single!

That said, if there are going to be romance options, I don't think who you can date should be restricted by player gender. Not being able to just means you won't get to romance an entirely fictional character in a video game based on your character build, which I think is silly.

I know some people will like that for whatever reason, and to THEM?!

Whatevs, it's subjective opinion.




Wrong answers?

Brooks Moses

At least that seems to just be the Patreon post title, not the image name or its listing on the main site.


Honestly it’s like finding a trading card with a print error, It’s rare and therefore neat


If I remember right, there are two characters in ME 1-3 that are bi- or pan-sexual. All other romanceable characters are restricted by gender. It's weird because I don't think other Bethesda games were as limited.


Also you can't really romance someone by accident. There's usually a definitive point where you have to make a dialogue choice to start flirting, otherwise it's just friendly conversation.


Curiously, the Patreon Email announced this page as "Wrong Answers Only - 008 - HD"


Hmm, I go back and forth personally. I like the idea of having characters who are specifically gay or specifically bi, though I'd prefer they get a little more into it as part of their characters than just 'not interested in the PC'. But also, I've quite often wanted to romance a character only to find out they're not attracted to women and that's always annoying


My Skyrim headcanon is that being dragonborn makes you inherently sexually attractive in a gender-neutral way. Everyone digs that dragon blood, regardless of their usual preferences.


I'm generally in favor of this, and wish it was a lot more common.


In My Time at Portia you can romance any gender. If you marry someone of the same gender, they even have adoption of children rather than pregnancy.

Stephen Gilberg

When I complain about games, it's usually for the ways in which they're worse than reality, not just like reality. A huge all-straight cast doesn't square with the world I know (tho in many settings, the LGBTs wouldn't be open about it); a huge all-bi cast does even less. In any event, I have no qualms against there being characters who simply will not want you, regardless of your gender or their orientation. It may help players get used to RL rejection and abandon the idea that they're owed something.


It's really, *really* easy to accidentally romance people in ME1. Like, if you're Femshep, and you're nice to Kaiden and Liara, they get mad at you because you should've only been nice to one of them and want you to choose.

Jacob Barboza

Ok, Dian-a-chu is awesome and now I want to see Catform Elliot Incinaroar


Now I am wondering, are there games where the difficulty of romance changes based on gender? Are there examples of games where the romance options are affected by character build stats other than gender?


Someday ALL the EGS girls will become pikachu, and it will be glorious!


I have totally read novels that tie in to videa (thats right I said Videa) games

Conrad Wong

Catherine M. Valente's ME:A novel "Annihilation" is actually great and goes into the races that missed the Mass Effect: Andromeda boat. ^.^