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Only MOST of them.

At egscomics 


I mean, a lot of them are going to be about transformation, but still.

Fallout 4 is a game with all sorts of over-the-top violence, but it's presented with characters that look more like they're out of comic books than real life, and effects that aren't the least bit realistic regardless of how terrible the real world equivalent of what's being seen would be. It's a game I've played quite a bit.

Modern Resident Evil games, meanwhile, have such visibly realistic presentation with gross, violent stuff happening that I don't want anything to do with them regardless of enormous women with neat hats.

This might not actually be fair, as I naturally haven't looked at much footage of the latest game, but I've seen some stuff from Resident Evil 7 and the remake of Resident Evil 2, and I do NOT feel motivated to see what sort of nonsense is in the latest offering.

...Darn it, I feel a bit obligated to look into it now in case I'm talking some bull carp on the latest game in public. THANKS, TEDD.



Stephen Gilberg

Out of context, Panel 3 would look like a flirtation fail.


Wait, where'd her lipstick go?


Just to let you know, this is comic number seven in the story, but it’s labeled as six. :)

Connie Edogawa

I JUST noticed her lipstick was missing, but going back to check, it actually disappeared last comic. shows how well I'm paying attention.


Count me as another person who just noticed Tedd's lipstick is gone.

Kevin Wright

I've seen a bit of RE: Village gameplay via Jack Septic Eye's Let's Play, and, yeah, it's gory.


Can confirm, courtesy of Cohh Carnage's and Aoife Wilson's Twitch and YouTube (respectively) runs. Can also confirm that Lady Demitrescu is tall and has a nice hat.


Honestly, I'm not finding this very entertaining as a "story arc" or whatever ya call it for egsNP. There's not really anything interesting to see or anything funny. It's really just your opinions on gaming which are valid even though I personally don't share most of them. I'm just saying, this is feeling like a series of tweets more that a comic bit. Maybe more fun visuals would compliment it more?


I feel the same way. If it's realistic, there needs to be comic violence/no violence. If it's over the top violent it needs to be cartoonish.

Crissa Kentavr

I think the same! The style has to be engaging.

Daryl Sawyer

This is Tedd we're talking about. It was probably transformed from the start.


If I want to see realistic violence, there are horrific war related video out there. I'm playing a *game* not a walk through for an actual battlefield.

W C Purdy

Agreed. Obviously, they're free to air their opinions, but we're only seven comics into this latest EGS:NP "arc" and it's already feeling a bit stale.


I'd really love if all video games came with a gore slider that went all the way down to enemies popping like a balloon in a burst of confetti (rather than splattering gore all over the room), and made all monsters cartoonishly adorable. I'd love to be able to play Fallout, etc with small children in the room. Right now it's pretty much Minecraft and the like.