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If unfamiliar with the Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts example, I have a ten second clip on my personal Twitter and YouTube (same clip either way). Footage is from the Nintendo Switch Online games library dealie, meaning a significant number of you probably have access to this interesting (and absurdly difficult) game.

If you do NOT have the gold armor, the Jester turns you in to other things.

When the game was new, I basically considered it my goal to find treasure chests in the hope of encountering the Jester. That was it. That was the game.


I know there's a lot one could criticize about wanting to turn massive masculine ogres into confused bunny girls, and I likely don't disagree with those criticisms.

I still want to DO it, but I understand.

Open World Zappery

I've attempted to mod all sorts of transformation nonsense in to Fallout 3 and Skyrim. Making a gender-related ray gun in Fallout 3 isn't difficult, but the results are... QUITE questionable. For one thing, facial hair isn't going anywhere, so if you want beards to go away, you pretty much have to preemptively mod them out of existence.

I recall other games not playing so nice, and getting weird glitches if you tried to do similar things.

Granted, it's possible, POSSIBLE, that non-Bethesda open world games might be more stable. But this actually is a case of trying to do something the game never intended, so it actually is a bit unfair to judge that when there are plenty of cases of the games doing strange things when doing things as intended.



Stephen Gilberg

Yeah, I learned from a strategy guide about the SG&G curse back in the day. Alas, I found the game too frustrating to get that far, not just when it was new but recently on the Switch.


I really like that idea. It doesn't seem too hard to balance with some form of consumable-based limitation or protective enchantment. And the possibility of being caught out yourself is interesting too.


When I see the last few papers, all I can concentrate on is the lipstick ^^' It's like when a teacher suddenly shaved his mustache, and nobody was able to concentrate on the lecture anymore.


It shouldn't be that difficult to make a mod for a ray gun that doesn't just flip the gender flag in Skyrim/Fallout -- just make it choose from a list of pre-rendered faces. No more awkward beards! You could probably even force the character creation screen to make a new face on the spot (though how you'd avoid changing your own face at the same time, I dunno). Caveat that I'm no modder, but I know you can get around most issues by thinking outside the box. There's a magic belt in Baldur's Gate that curses someone to switch gender. Keep a remove curse spell handy and you can swap.

Sibyl Arnett

For some reason I'm reminded of how sprite sheets of a certain Capcom vampire's special move would be traded, but only of those 5 or so frames per character...

Anthony Wilson

Not sure if anyone mentioned it but one other snag with open-world zappery would be that you'd have to basically double all the voice acting in the game. And depending on how many NPCs are in there, that's *really* gonna bloat the install size.


Sorry, Tedd, I don't think CoT will be able to do gender-targeted variable effects. But maybe they could, though it'd likely be temporary and in specific missions only. And players changing other players' forms that they may have spent hours getting just right is likely to be considered griefing, unless it's something that only affects those who opt into those shenanigans.


Wondering how many here are familiar with the old game of NetHack. Lots of transformations possible, including gender, but all descriptive except for the icon representing the character.

J. Jenny Jameson

In Saint's Row 2, 3, and 4, you can change your gender at pretty much any time. There are no plot elements that refer to the player's gender, so nothing changes in the way people interact with you, but it's a nice option. The games are completely bananas anyway, so it's not even that weird in context.