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Potentially personal query.

At egscomics 


There's plenty of discussion to be had about what does and doesn't make sense about this from a logical perspective, and whether it would be the result of what Larry suggests, or the spell having to do more legwork.

Ultimately, I just like Larry having an interest in guys while in femme-forms.

It's not exactly scientific, but please keep in mind he LITERALLY transformed because at the drop of a hat.



David Fenger

I find Larry's perspective quite understandable. Even without hormonal or other mental effects...


Biochemically speaking, it's plausible. Apparently there are a few medications that have a chance of messing with your sexuality, and I'm glad they're not ones I need. :/

Joe Blue

Funny enough, I read a series where one of the bad guys was killed and as punishment, had his soul put into a female body. he did keep most of his personality, and still liked girls. but there were clear changes in how he acted that I think supports Inahc's comment


Yeah. Hell, just finding *yourself* more attractive can make a huge difference.

Brooks Moses

Bwahaha I love that flustered reaction in panel 3. Also I am feeling sorry for Larry if he doesn't get to take this playing-around-with-morphing with him into canon-land.


Isn't it canon that V5 transformations makes you more attracted to the opposite gender?


Sadly, Luke is still gay so it’s a moot point.

The Sunroses

fem-form Larry *is* real cute tho