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- First Wrong Answers Only comic

Really, I could end the storyline here, and I think people would be like "yes, that's a fitting conclusion."

Buuuuuuut I'm not ready to do anything else.

And I have other questions and wrong answers in mind.

Sooooooo this nonsense continues.




Yeah, I got a question. What's up with that form you got in that last panel? I wanna see more of what's going on there.

Matt R

Wait, is female Dan pregnant or is it just the angle?

Stephen Gilberg

How quickly I forgot the significance of dropping hats. Had to look back for answers. I blame the fact that such switches frequently happen in this comic without hats.


I definitely want to see more of that form dan has in the last panel


swapping between the first part and this part I think the most important question is does the team have a group of imps sorting out the refreshments because I can't work out where their glasses went to?

James C

Rhea's been turned into a catgirl. Clearly, she's pushed all the glasses off the table and onto the floor.