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Stupid sexy wizards.


EDIT - Removed a word that lingered after editing when it should have been banished to the realm of wind and ghosts


Even I'm not sure if this is canon now.

In any case, this is not a question anyone asked, but is inspired by questions that have been asked in a roundabout sort of way.

I've been asked a lot of times why there are so many gay and bisexual characters. The answer is basically just that that's what I default to when I come up with characters. I don't see heterosexual as the default.

In response to these questions, however, I jokingly considered whether magic had anything to do with the statistics found in Moperville.

Then I less jokingly considered whether having magic power made someone more attractive in any way.

The conclusion I reached was "maybe yes, but not in any earth shattering way."

And no, it wouldn't be like a love spell or something. Unless you count something like someone's face being symmetrical or smelling nice as love spells, but that's really low standards for love magickery.

That said, I imagine this being the case could result in more people being aware if they were bisexual. Not resulting in more people being bisexual, but resulting in more people being aware of it. So it could actually function as an in-universe explanation to some degree.

That said, you'd get similar results with the right fashion trends, soooooo... Yeah, I dunno. I just like the idea of stupid sexy wizards.




I'll get behind this! Also I think you accidentally an extra word in the second center panel speech bubble. "As to be make someone" doesn't scan, and I hope it's not just 3am brain confusing me!


Worth it for the commentary


That does make sense on several levels. Most wizards of folklore are described as being very compelling, whatever their appearance, if I recall correctly. Sounds like a very similar effect.


The higher number of people on the fringes due to magic exposure, or keeping big secrets due to magic could also increase the number of queer people who are out. If you're already trying to keep it a secret that you are a wizard, it probably seems like a less of a deal to reveal that you like both men and women. Or like nanase, keeping too many secrets could feel like too much, so you reveal the ones that are safer


Oh, also magic in the EGS-verse does quite a lot of 'reflecting your inner self' type stuff, so it probably causes more people to question and understand themselves better. As we have seen in real time with the cast

Matt R

Shouldn't that be stupid sexy witches in the case of the girls in panel 2?

David Howe

Ashley is just so sexy though it would be hard to tell, incrementally....


Wasn't there some previous in-canon discussion about magic boobs, or was I hallucinating that year?


See egsnp playing with dolls


Between this and her thing about Rhoda's magic, Rhea seems to be hitting a lot of "wrong but actually right or should be right" answers. I like it. :)


It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective for Mages to be sexy. Sexual attractiveness is a sign of reproductive fitness, and it follows that (barring periods of witch-hunting) a Mage will be better equipped to survive than a Muggle. Therefore, mating with a Mage would increase the survival odds of any children you have together. Extend this trend all the way to the present from the days of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers, and it is reasonable for people to have evolved an instinct to see Mages as desirable mates.


Nope, Nanase has magic boobs- https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2012-06-13


as opposed to electric boobs, her mom has too... http://www.amiright.com/misheard/song/bennieandthejets.shtml