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Dragon NP YEAH!


I mean, this is SUPPOSED to be a wrong answer, but...

And yes, they're venting smoke.

Because science.




They don’t need wings or gas bladders or logic because they’re magic, yet they’re venting smoke because science? 🤔

David Fenger

The T-Rex's feet wiggling in the air look both ridiculous and hilarious.

Some Ed

I remember the commercials from my youth, which explain this adequately: "Smoking is cool". To be clear, I was never cool enough to smoke. Unlike my best friend in high school, who managed to not quite catch himself on fire multiple times when experimenting with fireworks, but came close enough he definitely smoked on quite a few occasions. Not in a way that made tobacco companies any money, but I think he impressed his fan club a bit more doing it his way. [Note: none of them would admit to being his fan club back then. I haven't seen them in decades, so I don't know about now.]

Stephen Gilberg

But not magical enough to avoid extinction? Or are they hiding?


They're just hiding. It's a well known fact that dinosaurs have extremely high stealth checks. They've been around all along, we just don't notice them.


Apologies for bringing up Dilbert, but that is literally Dilbert canon.


And it turns out that the hind limbs are as useless as the forelimbs. ^_^

Opus the Poet

Dragons turn invisible when endangered, so we never see them. They're still there.

Ed Abrams (aka The Superdak)

Unlike the pterodactyls and other pterosaurs (which were, in fact, NOT dinosaurs) which could run but could not hide.


So why aren't plesiosaurs dinosaurs either?


There's more truth to this than you might know. The word Dinosaur is only a little bit over a century old, previous to that, it was not uncommon for anyone who came across fossils and dinosaurs bones to label them as dragons.

John Trauger

IIRC, current theory has them as sea-going reptiles (cold-blooded) rather than dinosaurs (warm-blooded)