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Shipping without handling

EDIT - Minor shadow error on Luke's facial hair


This isn't me trying not to lean in too hard to not having too many "interesting" visuals. I think all of them dating in an absurdly wholesome manner that confuses others was the second most interesting available answer, and it's also a nod to many, may comments from readers over the years about how "tame" everyone in this comic actually is in regard to stuff like this.

As for why it's the second most interesting available answer and not the first, its because the most interesting answer in a "wrong answers only" Q&A would have simply been "no".

Speaking of "interesting visuals", I considered giving them exaggerated figures in panel three, along with Tedd-Grace being in an "extra masculine" form, but I decided I preferred the visual of them in more default forms. The alternative version could be a thing sometime in the future.

Incidentally, Sarah-Tedd has glasses on, and Tedd-Grace does not have glasses on, because these are basic clone forms that do not adjust vision. How the HECK that works is unknown even to me, but... Hm. Hang on, I'm gonna make a note of that. This is the perfect Q&A for "answering" that question...




I've been thinking for a while that those 3 would be cute together.

Stephen Gilberg

EGS, your one-stop shop for a love dodecahedron.


Keeping the hope alive :p


Considering how "tame" the comic is in these matters, "Shipping Without Handling" might be good shorthand for how EGS handles relationships. :) Not a complaint, BTW - I like it when you do sexy pinups/sketchbooks, but I totally get why you don't do that stuff in the actual comic.


"Shipping and Handling" is my new AO3 tag for sexytimes. :D


Huh. I could have sworn I paid the handling fee...

John Trauger

I am waiting for some future comic where George snaps his game shut at some especially irritating irritant and says in measured tones of death, "You have just earned my full attention."

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Shipping without handling is an excellent pun. Thanks!

Some Ed

Yeah, I get the feeling that if anyone makes a comment in 2050 about being surprised how stealthy EGS was about becoming an entirely porn comic, it will be due to the definition of porn shifting, rather than some other reason.

Some Ed

... it just hit me as I was trying to get to sleep: By virtue of "incorrect answers only," George *knows* whether or not Sarah, Tedd, and Grace are in a polygamous relationship. Or, at least, thinks he knows. I suppose, with that latter clarification, it's not too surprising. Guys like George tend to think they know everything.