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The preview image might give the impression that Grace is dressed, but the preview image is deceptive. Though she is technically adhering to the employee dress code of shoes, socks, and a black shirt. Really, it's her employer's fault for not being more specific.

Also, a friendly reminder for $5 patrons! Surveys that can influence the polls for this month are still going, so if there's something you'd like to see, be sure to check them out, "like" a comment or five, and/or provide a suggestion of your own!

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Next day: "... Strip magic is no longer permitted (see rules on " playing for ante ", we didn't think we'd have to clarify this one)."


I don't believe that I am overstating my feelings when I say "Yubba."


Lucky Ted, wow.


And the next day Justin's Uncle is amazed at the spike of sales at that branch of Salty Crackers.


Does Grace's face seem slightly off to anyone else? I think it's the eyelashes. I don't recall her being drawn with those before.


Unf... wow. Hmm... Yes. I approve.


If that were Tedd, the pose would be a lot more self-conscious. I'm pretty sure Grace is the only character in the comic strip that could pull off that pose, that way. Although now that I'm thinking about it, it's possible that Ashley might be able to do it, only because we still really don't know what she's comfortable with. Ellen or Nanase maybe, but I doubt either could pull it off without blushing. Sarah or Susan would just give a flat refusal, as would any of the males.


Anyone else getting a 50's vibe from Grace? I like it, but I could just as easily see this with a malt shop/diner background. Either way, yowza.

Tony B

She did up her hair and may be wearing makeup. Special occasion? Whatever it is, she looks excited!


Agreed -- I'm pretty sure it's the eyelashes.

John Trauger

Well played, Grace. :)