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Milestone description:

Five stage sequence in which a character transforms from normal form, clothing and pose to pinup appropriate clothing and pose (and possibly form). Character and form voted on from a list of options by $5+ Patrons.

Basically, it's just a transformation sequence with pinuppy results.


  • Suggestions can be as simple as a character and what form they wind up in.

  • You can remain anonymous by sending suggestions to me. Assuming I have no reason to object to it, I will add it to the survey myself with no mention of who suggested it.
    Contact link is under my avatar's picture in the left column of my Patreon page

  • "Like" a suggestion to show there's interest. Likes could affect the final poll (assuming the milestone is met). Who has liked what is anonymous. Please reply to suggestions directly to keep things organized (hit "reply" under the comment).

  • You might have to click Load More Comments to see every suggestion in the survey if enough are made.




Tara experimenting with a bipedal form so she can blend in a bit better. Made hilarious by her getting confused about what human females are supposed to look like and snarking about it.


Somewhat relevant question, do griffins have mammaries? They're part mammal, part bird, and the way the body is set up nipples could fit in the same place as they'd be on a cat, but actually feeding a chick that way sounds painful, and baby birds get fed in a whole different way.


This is kind of a throwback but I'd like to see something with Nioi. How about Ashley into Nioi? I could also see Ellen but she's not my first choice. I think Dan's art style has gone through several iterations since I've last seen Nioi drawn.


I like the idea of doing something with Nioi. Not sure that a transformation sequence is the right thing though. Maybe just a two character picture with her and Ellen (since they have the most history). Wouldn't even need to be any special circumstance. As you say, just getting to see Nioi in Dan's current art style would be enough.